Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Utility of Domain Name

Domain name plays a very important role in web business. In web business only the best domain names are taken and better are set aside. But they don’t always stay taken.

It is a fact that, Domain names often come back on top of the market. Yet earlier than they do, domain name prospectors are sifting through them to search out the gold domains from between them.

What is the reason behind the availability of domain names again?

As studies conclude, thousands of domain names expire every day and remaining domains are offered for sale. The reasons behind it are diverse and are given below:


There are several webmasters who forgets to renew the domain parallel to their expiry date. Due to which the email address where the domain is registered becomes invalid, and the domain name registrant doesn’t obtain the restitution notices.

The following are the possible reasons for this:


1. Scarcity of need or funds

2. The company that had registered the domain left the business.

3. The website owner loses curiosity in or doesn’t have sufficient time for the website.

4. The website owner doesn’t have funding to prolong the website venture.

5. The domain name registrant registered abundant domains on speculation and couldn’t afford to continue renewing unexploited domains.


1. The domain name registrant might come to understand what domain’s worth is and choose to sell it.

2. The domain name registrant may have registered the domain because he/she came to realize its impending worth, along with putting an aim to sell it later.

Which secret forms a formerly registered domain name valuable?

There are several reasons to argue, why would anyone pay so much for e.g. $750,000 for a domain when they could register a new domain for under $10?

1. Immediate traffic

For the condition if the domain name previously was pointed to a website, search engines have already indexed that domain name. It is quite possible that, other websites probably still have links to that domain. If the domain is listed in directories, these links will further result in more traffic. The user registers the domain, and the work getting incoming links has already been accomplished for him/her.

2. Surf value

It is quite frequent or rather say occasionally that web surfers hunt by typing generic words followed by dot com (or any other extensions) inducing into their browsers, like for e.g., cats.com. The previously mentioned domain name redirects to the website for a company that involve in selling pet products and services. A domain name as mentioned above constantly brings visitors to the website without spending bucks and sweat on the purposes like advertising and marketing.

3. Simple to keep in mind

In some of the cases the user’s company name does not come in the category which can be easily remembered, but domains for e.g. cats.com or website.com are. It is inarguable that, People are more likely to return to a site or pass on the name to their friends when they can easily memorize it.

The way one can find domains pending cessation

If one has decided to join the gold rush for valuable pre-registered domains. Now here, searching expiring domains is the first step, but one also need to research domains that are about to come back on the market.

Lists of domains pending expiration

At these websites, among others, one can search for domains containing keywords he/she enters. At website like expireddomains.com, the results contain domains that are currently available, soon to expire, on hold, in the Redemption Grace Period (RGP), or for sale by their registrants. Extensions that are quite often searched are .com, .net, and .org.

The domainsbot.com database searches .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz extensions for domains that are available, for sale, or expiring.

Domain research

One can find some incoming links to a domain by entering “link: siteURL” into Google or Yahoo. Now when one gets the links, he/she should follow them to see what types of sites link to the domain. One very important question which comes at this point is how would a user feel about having these particular sites linking to his/her site?

Also one should look into any possible problems associated with the domain. In case the previous site had controversial search engine optimization techniques employed like use of hidden text or links, search engines may ban the domain. One should check the history of the site at a domain name via the Way Back Machine. If the domain previously was pointing to a site with gambling or adult content or a lot of affiliate links, or if it employed questionable search engine optimization techniques, search engines may here ban the domain. Besides there is possibility of a domain being banned, there are also chances that one may not get incoming links from sites associated with these types of contents.

Questions related to domain:

There are several questions which arise in mind of user like:

How to register domains pending deletion?

How to maximize choices if one has already selected a domain of his/her choice and now wants it?

There are several sites like eNom.com’s Club Drop, where one can bid on expiring .com and .net domains the day before they’re available to the public. One can also be notified when domains matching his/her search criteria become available.

The NameWinner system places bids on .com, .net, .org, and .info domains for the user. The best part of it is it bids only as high as is necessary to maintain one’s high bid position up to your maximum bid.

How to avail profit from one’s domains

By selling domains

If one is having a domain that is valuable for anyone else but not for the user, in that case the user can benefit from it by selling it at auction. If one is already having a client for hiss/her domain, he/she can transfer it securely through Escrow.com.

Domain monetization

With paid domain parking programs, also called “domain monetization” or “monetize domains,” one can earn pay-per-click income via targeted advertisements. The following are names of some of the sites offering such services:

- DomainSponsor

- Park Quick

- Domain Spa

- Google Adsense for domains

Thus with right knowledge, timing, and a bit of luck, one can have possibility of earning a lot by domain.

6 steps to Adsense Domination

When you make your living online, you realize the need for multiple streams of income.

One of the easiest and most lucrative ways to generate a secondary income, which also happens to be passive, is via Google’s Adsense program.

I’m sure you’ve read the claims of a few individuals generating five figure monthly incomes from Adsense. For many of you, I’m sure you are wondering why you aren’t making this same income yourself.

Well, wonder no more. If you follow my simple six step system, you will be well on your way to healthy Adsense profits within three months.

Are you ready? It’s now time to pay attention.

Step 1 – Preparation.

The key to making money with Adsense is all about numbers. BIG numbers!

Sure, there are a few people making serious money with less than ten sites, but these are the exception.

Your goal will be twenty-four sites in three months. That’s just TWO sites per week!

In order to accomplish this, I recommend one of the many available page generation tools available today.

Step 2 – Determine Your Markets.

In order to maximize Adsense income with only twenty-four sites, you must know which markets are paying well.

To break this down even further, you need to know which keywords within those markets are paying the most.

Step 3 – Register you domains.

Once you’ve identified and chosen your markets, you must register domains appropriate to those markets. For example, if your market is ‘Cabbage Patch Dolls’, a domain such as http://www.cabbage-patch-doll.com/ would be appropriate.

Step 4 – Create your site.

Using your favorite page generation software and keyword list, it’s time to develop your site. There are several key points to bear in mind when you develop these specifically for Adsense.

1. Format – Always use the large 336×280 large rectangle.
2. Border – Match the same color as your background.
3. Background color – Border – Match the same color as your background.
4. Link = “0000CC”
5. Color_url = “999999″
6. Color_text = “333333″
7. Position – Far left or center and just above the page fold (Top 25% of site)

Step 5 – Verify and track your site

Visit your site and make sure all links work and that the sites appear to your satisfaction. You should also check out the ads Google is displaying. Are they targeted to your primary high paying keyword? If not, recreate your site using your high paying keyword in a higher density throughout your site.

Make sure you track your Adsense format, position, and traffic with a tracking system specifically designed for Adsense. Once you know your stats, you can adjust for maximum clickthroughs and higher revenues.

Step 6 – Get your site listed in the search engines.

This is simple… no tricks involved. Simply rent links to your site. A PR7 or PR8 link will do the job.

While I’ve simplified the process here, you are now armed with enough information and resources to make some serious money with Adsense.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How do I add a Blog List to my blog?

Do you have a list of your favorite blogs that you want to share with your friends? Well now you can do that and more with the Blog List gadget! A Blog List, also known as a Blog Roll, is a list of blog links with a live view of the most recent posts from each blog. It's really easy to add a Blog List widget to your blog. First go to the Layout | Page Elements tab for your blog:

Click the "Add a Gadget" link that appears in the sidebar of your layout. You'll then see a popup window with all the different types of Gadgets you can add to your blog. Look for the one called "Blog List" and click on the blue "+" icon:

You can then enter your desired title for your Blog List, select how you'd like you Blog list to be sorted (alphabetically or most recently updated) and how many blogs you'd like to show in you list.

You can then select if you'd like to show an icon with each blog, the title of the most recent item, a snippet of the most recent item and the date of last update.

Once you have configured all the options, you'll need to add your favorite blogs to the list! To do so simply click on the "Add a blog to your list" link. You'll then be promtped to add a blog by URL or import a blog from Google Reader:

Once you have added your desired URLs and blogs to your Blog List, click the orange "Save Changes" button and your Blog List will be ready to view!

Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools!

Google Webmaster Tools help your customers understand site traffic and diagnose potential problems by providing insights into how Google crawls and indexes their site.

Webmaster Submission Guide

Submitting the Sitemaps of your blog to Google Webmaster helps the search engine(Google) to crawl your webpage's easily and more quickly! This post explains the procedure to add your blogger blog's sitemap to the Google Webmaster Tools.

  1. Sign-in to Google Webmaster Dashboard using your Google Account.

  2. Type your blog URL and click Add Site:
    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  3. Once your site is added to Google Webmaster, you need to verify the site by adding a Meta Tag to your blog:
    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  4. Copy the Meta Tag code given by Google Webmaster as shown in the screenshot below:
    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  5. Now go to Blogger Dashboard - Layout - Edit HTML - then search(Ctrl+F) for the code given below in the header section:

  6. Then Paste the Meta Tag just after the above code and Save the Template.

  7. Now click Verify in the Google Webmaster Tools. Your site will be verified if you followed the above steps clearly:
    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  8. Next step is to add sitemaps of your blog. Select Sitemap from the left sidebar:
    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  9. You can add the following sitemaps of your blogger blog to the Google Webmaster:


    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

  10. Finished! Your Blog's sitemap will be added to Google now!

Google Adsense Wordpress Plugins

Listed below are 10 best Adsense plugins which help you work smarter with wordpress.

  • Adsense Deluxe - offers advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. Easily switch all AdSense ads to a new color scheme across the entire site.
  • Adsense Injection - inserts Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog. Takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let’s you pick how many to show on single post pages.
  • Adsense Inline - inserts Google adsense in blog posts.
  • Shylock Adsense WordPress plugin - allows you to insert Adsense ads on your blog without modifying the template. Set it up to show different Adsense ads for articles older then ‘n’ days. E.g. insert a 468×60 ad at the bottom of a new article for regular readers, and replace with higher paying 336×280 ad after 7 days for the search engine visitors.
  • Adsense Beautifier - makes your Adsense look beautiful by placing images beside them to increase your clicks (CTR) and subsequent Adsense earnings. (May not be compliant with Adsense TOS now)
  • AdSense Widget for WordPress Sidebar - Google AdSense widget designed for the new WordPress Sidebar Widgets plug-in.
  • AdRotator Wordpress Plugin - rotates your adsense ads with other affiliate programs like Chitika Eminimalls wherever you want. Helps to reduce ad blindness and test different ad formats and affiliate programs.
  • Adsense Earnings Wordpress Plugin - displays your adsense earning details within wordpress admin panel.
  • AdSense Manager - is a Wordpress plugin for managing AdSense ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.
  • AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System - allows you to view your adsense earnings and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors.
  • Author Adsense Wordpress Plugin - allows blog authors to enter their Google Adsense Publisher ID and have ads displayed on their own posts generating revenue. Admin can set the ratio of author’s ads to admin ads.
  • Author Adsense MU Plugin - Webmasters of Wordpress MU sites can generate adsense revenue from hosted blogs as this script allows you to set an admin ID and the ratio of admin ad’s to blogger’s ads.
  • Google Ad Wrap - wraps posts and comments inside Section Targeting tags for better targeted ads.
source : http://freeadsensesource.com/

Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 Tips to Improve your AdSense revenue

How many times have you seen an ad campaign running for “Google Adsense” that makes it sound so easy to make revenue by just copying and pasting their code onto your website? After all the research I have done on Google Adsense, I finally realized how it is not that easy just to copy and paste. There is much more beyond this that must be done in order to make Google Adsense revenue.

The following are techniques that must be implemented in order to really make money with Google Adsense:

  1. Design a website that is Google Adsense friendly. In other words, make sure that your website has much content that is keyword rich and make sure your keyword density is decent. Make sure that you are using the most beneficial keywords for your niche. Try to choose keywords that cost more for pay per click. For example, if a keyword such as “dog training” cost $2.00 per click to run an ad campaign, you can be well assured that you will make around half of that per click. By choosing the top competitive keywords, you will increase your Adsense revenue considerably. Once indexed, Google will then be able to known what correct ads to place on your website.
  2. Generate traffic to your website using a number of different techniques.
    • Writing articles
      By writing articles at least once a week and submitting them to article directories such as Ezine. The more article directories that you submit to, the more back links you are creating for your website. You can pay for article directory submission, which can cost as little as $80 every quarter.
    • Search Engine Directory Submissions
      By submitting your website URL to search engine friendly directories, you are creating back links back to your website. Make sure that you only submit to search engine directories with a Google page rank of four or higher. You can pay around $11.00 per website to submit to 100 directories with a page rank of four or higher. Create ads: By publishing classified ads, you are advertising your website and creating back links back to your website. US Free Ads and Domestic Sale are two places that you can submit your ad to for free.
    Just remember back links, back links, back links!
  3. Google Adsense ads can be published and designed in a wide variety of formats. When displaying your ads, decide upon a size that would be best suitable for your website. There are different sizes to choose from. There are also different fonts and colors you can use to create your ads. Try to use a color that blends in well with your website. Also, although borders can be used, many web publisher's state on forums and blogs, that once they removed their borders, they had more clicks on their ads.
  4. When displaying ads on your website, it is best to place them in a place where visitors can review them. One good place to display your ads is somewhere at the top of your website. A lot of web publishers use the top left corner for displaying Google Adsense. However, when you go to a website, what is one of the first things you look at? Could it be how the website is navigated by its menu? That is why another great place to display your ads could be near the navigation menu.

Earning revenue with Google Adsense takes time, patience, and trial and error. The more you read about how Adsense works for others, the more you will understand how it will work for you.

Optimize Google Adsense For Blogs

How many times have you tried altering the placement of your Google AdSense ads to get a better click through rate and make extra money.

Google Adsense blog’s article Blogtimize presents some tips that will help you place the ads on your blogs better and get a higher CTR and earn more money.

Using these images they demonstrate the best position for your ad units. And other notable tips are Choose the right ad formats, Place ads where your readers will notice, Improve targeting and Customize your ad colors.

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